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Ansible infrastructure playbooks/roles for the services.


Some roles may need specific python libraries etc. installed on the ansible client (for example python-influxdb for the roles/monitoring role).


Install all required roles from ansible galaxy using:

ansible-galaxy install -f -r requirements.yml

Run with your local (test) inventory:

ansible-playbook -i test.inventory PLAYBOOK.yml

Create new roles

When creating new roles, you can set up an initial folder structure with ansible-galaxy and the default skeleton folder structures defined in .ansible/skeleton. For more information check out the Ansible documentation here

cd roles
ansible-galaxy init ROLE_NAME


This repository is licensed under GPL-3 and many roles are derived from the awesome infrastructure repository published by Sheogorath.

Thank you, and so I hope this can be as useful to someone else as Sheogorath's repository was to me.