#!/bin/ash if [ "$(whoami)" != "pterodactyl" ]; then echo "Rerunning script as webserver user." exec su -c /usr/local/bin/upgrade pterodactyl fi echo "!!! PLEASE BACKUP ANY IMPORTANT DATA BEFORE UPGRADING !!!" echo "Are you sure you want to continue the upgrade script? (Y/n)" read -n1 run if [ "$run" = "y" ] || [ "$run" = "Y" ]; then echo "Running upgrade script." php artisan down # Change introduced in 0.7.0. echo "Removing cached configuration." rm -r bootstrap/cache/* echo "Rerunning configuration scripts." php artisan p:environment:setup --cache=redis --session=redis --queue=redis \ --redis-host=redis --redis-pass="" --redis-port=6379 echo "Removing cached views." php artisan view:clear echo "Running migrations." php artisan migrate --force php artisan db:seed --force echo "Cleaning up API keys." php artisan p:migration:clean-orphaned-keys echo "Upgrade complete. Please restart the container to load changes." php artisan up else echo "Exiting." fi