using UnityEngine; public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour { bool firstKeyPressed; bool messagePosted; [SerializeField] public float acceleration = 3; [SerializeField] public float friction = 0.1f; [SerializeField] public float turnSpeed = 2; [SerializeField] public float drift = 1f; [SerializeField] public float brake = 2f; [SerializeField] public float maxBrakeTime = 5f; // The time of the acceleration/deceleration sounds in seconds [SerializeField] public float accelerationTime = 5; [SerializeField] public float decelerationTime = 5; float brakeTime; float lastFrame; public enum SpeedState { SLOW, FASTER, FAST, SLOWER } SpeedState state; double changeTime; Rigidbody2D rb; // Use this for initialization void Start() { rb = GetComponent(); messagePosted = false; state = SpeedState.SLOW; brakeTime = 0; lastFrame = Time.time; GameController.instance.GetAudioControl().SfxPlay(AudioControl.Sfx.slowdriving); } void Update() { if (!firstKeyPressed && !messagePosted) { messagePosted = true; GameController.instance.GetUI().GetNotificationManager().ShowMessage("Press any key to start!", 2); } if ( !firstKeyPressed && Input.anyKey ) { firstKeyPressed = true; if (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") >= 0) { state = SpeedState.FASTER; changeTime = Time.time; GameController.instance.GetAudioControl().SfxStop(AudioControl.Sfx.slowdriving); GameController.instance.GetAudioControl().SfxPlay(AudioControl.Sfx.faster); } } } void FixedUpdate() { if ( !firstKeyPressed ) return; Vector3 speedVec = new Vector3(rb.velocity.x, rb.velocity.y, 0); float speed = speedVec.magnitude; bool braking = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") < 0; if (braking && brakeTime >= maxBrakeTime) { brakeTime = maxBrakeTime; braking = false; } else if (!braking) { brakeTime -= (Time.time - lastFrame) * 0.1f; } Debug.Log(braking + " " + brakeTime); if (braking) { brakeTime += Time.time - lastFrame; GameController.instance.GetAudioControl().SfxStop(AudioControl.Sfx.driving); switch (state) { case SpeedState.FASTER: if (Time.time - changeTime > accelerationTime) { changeTime = Time.time; state = SpeedState.SLOWER; GameController.instance.GetAudioControl().SfxPlay(AudioControl.Sfx.slower); } break; case SpeedState.FAST: changeTime = Time.time; state = SpeedState.SLOWER; GameController.instance.GetAudioControl().SfxPlay(AudioControl.Sfx.slower); break; case SpeedState.SLOWER: if (Time.time - changeTime > decelerationTime) { state = SpeedState.SLOW; GameController.instance.GetAudioControl().SfxPlay(AudioControl.Sfx.slowdriving); } break; case SpeedState.SLOW: break; } } else { if (brakeTime < 0) brakeTime = 0; GameController.instance.GetAudioControl().SfxStop(AudioControl.Sfx.slowdriving); switch (state) { case SpeedState.FASTER: if (Time.time - changeTime > accelerationTime) { state = SpeedState.FAST; GameController.instance.GetAudioControl().SfxPlay(AudioControl.Sfx.driving); } break; case SpeedState.FAST: break; case SpeedState.SLOWER: if (Time.time - changeTime > decelerationTime) { changeTime = Time.time; state = SpeedState.FASTER; GameController.instance.GetAudioControl().SfxPlay(AudioControl.Sfx.faster); } break; case SpeedState.SLOW: changeTime = Time.time; state = SpeedState.FASTER; GameController.instance.GetAudioControl().SfxPlay(AudioControl.Sfx.faster); break; } } { // Forward Vector3 acc = transform.up * acceleration; if (braking) acc *= 0; rb.AddForce(acc); } {// Drag Vector3 drag = speedVec.normalized * speed * speed * friction * -1; if (braking) { drag *= brake; drag *= speed; } rb.AddForce(drag); Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + drag, Color.cyan, 0.01f, false); } { // Drift Vector3 forwardNorm = ( transform.localRotation * Vector3.up ).normalized * speedVec.magnitude; Vector3 br = forwardNorm - speedVec; br *= drift; rb.AddForce(br); //Debug.Log(br); Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + br,, 0.01f, false); } //transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward * turnSpeed); if (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") < 0) { //rb.rotation += turnSpeed; rb.MoveRotation(rb.rotation + turnSpeed); } else //transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward * turnSpeed); if (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") > 0) { //rb.rotation -= turnSpeed; rb.MoveRotation(rb.rotation - turnSpeed); } else { rb.MoveRotation(rb.rotation); } //transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward * -turnSpeed); // Debug lines Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + speedVec, Color.magenta, 0.01f, false); Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + transform.localRotation * Vector3.up, Color.yellow, 0.01f, false); //Debug.Log(transform.localRotation.eulerAngles); //Debug.Log(transform.localRotation * Vector3.up); //Debug.Log(curspeed); lastFrame = Time.time; } /// The time in seconds the player was braking public float GetBrakeTime() { return brakeTime; } }