using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class DungeonGenerator { public DungeonGenerator() { } public const int TUNNEL_THICKNESS = 4; // The first and starting room public GenRoom start; // The room with the finishing flag public GenRoom end; // The room containing all the paths connecting normal rooms public GenRoom path; // All rooms except the three above public HashSet rooms; private const float percentageRocks = 0.03f; private const int maxRockCluster = 5; public void Generate() { int minRoomSize = 50; rooms = new HashSet(); for ( int i = 0; i < 7 + ( int ) ( UnityEngine.Random.value * 4 ); i++ ) { GenRoom room = new GenRoom(); room.bounds.width = ( ( 15 + ( int ) ( UnityEngine.Random.value * 20 ) ) / 2 ) * 2; room.bounds.height = ( ( 15 + ( int ) ( UnityEngine.Random.value * 20 ) ) / 2 ) * 2; rooms.Add(room); } while ( true ) { bool changed = false; foreach ( GenRoom r1 in rooms ) { foreach ( GenRoom r2 in rooms ) { if ( r1 == r2 ) continue; Vector2Int p1 = new Vector2Int(r1.bounds.x + r1.bounds.width / 2, r1.bounds.y + r1.bounds.height / 2); Vector2Int p2 = new Vector2Int(r2.bounds.x + r2.bounds.width / 2, r2.bounds.y + r2.bounds.height / 2); if ( Math.Pow(Vector2Int.Distance(p1, p2), 2) < 2 * minRoomSize * minRoomSize + 2 ) { r2.bounds.x += ( int ) ( ( UnityEngine.Random.value - 0.5 ) * 5 ); r2.bounds.y += ( int ) ( ( UnityEngine.Random.value - 0.5 ) * 2.5 ); changed = true; break; } } if (changed) break; } if (!changed) break; } HashSet Q = new HashSet(); foreach ( GenRoom r in rooms ) Q.Add(new GenVertex(r)); GenVertex root = null; foreach ( GenVertex v in Q ) { if ( root == null || v.r.bounds.x < root.r.bounds.x ) root = v; } root.value = 0; HashSet E = new HashSet(); HashSet G = new HashSet(); HashSet F = new HashSet(); foreach ( GenVertex r1 in Q ) { foreach ( GenVertex r2 in Q ) { if ( r1 == r2 ) goto outer; foreach ( GenEdge e in E ) if ( e.r2 == r1 && e.r1 == r2 ) goto outer; E.Add(new GenEdge(r1, r2)); } outer:; } F.Add(root); Q.Remove(root); while ( Q.Count > 0 ) { GenEdge start2 = null; foreach ( GenEdge e in E ) { if ( F.Contains(e.r1) ^ F.Contains(e.r2) ) { if ( start2 == null || e.dist < start2.dist ) { start2 = e; } } } Q.Remove(start2.r2); Q.Remove(start2.r1); F.Add(start2.r2); F.Add(start2.r1); E.Remove(start2); G.Add(start2); if ( start2.r1.value < start2.r2.value ) { start2.r2.value = ( float ) ( start2.r1.value + start2.dist ); } else { start2.r1.value = ( float ) ( start2.r2.value + start2.dist ); } } // G list of edges // rooms list of rooms HashSet rooms2 = new HashSet(); foreach ( GenEdge ed in G ) { // horizontal float diff1 = ed.r1.r.bounds.y - ed.r2.r.bounds.y - ed.r2.r.bounds.height + TUNNEL_THICKNESS; float diff2 = ed.r2.r.bounds.y - ed.r1.r.bounds.y - ed.r1.r.bounds.height + TUNNEL_THICKNESS; // vertical float diff3 = ed.r1.r.bounds.x - ed.r2.r.bounds.x - ed.r2.r.bounds.width + TUNNEL_THICKNESS; float diff4 = ed.r2.r.bounds.x - ed.r1.r.bounds.x - ed.r1.r.bounds.width + TUNNEL_THICKNESS; if ( diff1 < 0 && diff2 < 0 ) { AddStraightHorizontal(rooms2, ed); } else if ( diff3 < 0 && diff4 < 0 ) { AddStraightVertical(rooms2, ed); } else AddCurve(rooms2, ed); } path = new GenRoom(); foreach ( GenRoom r in rooms2 ) { for ( int x1 = r.bounds.x; x1 < r.bounds.x + r.bounds.width; x1++ ) for ( int y1 = r.bounds.y; y1 < r.bounds.y + r.bounds.height; y1++ ) { Vector2Int pos1 = new Vector2Int(x1, y1); if (path.tiles.ContainsKey(pos1)) path.tiles[pos1] = Room.TileType.GROUND; else path.tiles.Add(pos1, Room.TileType.GROUND); for ( int x2 = x1 - 1; x2 <= x1 + 1; x2++ ) for ( int y2 = y1 - 1; y2 <= y1 + 1; y2++ ) { if (!path.tiles.ContainsKey(new Vector2Int(x2, y2))) path.tiles.Add(new Vector2Int(x2, y2), Room.TileType.WALL); } } } foreach ( GenRoom r in rooms ) { for ( int x1 = r.bounds.x; x1 < r.bounds.x + r.bounds.width; x1++ ) for ( int y1 = r.bounds.y; y1 < r.bounds.y + r.bounds.height; y1++ ) { r.tiles.Add(new Vector2Int(x1, y1), Room.TileType.WALL); } for ( int x1 = r.bounds.x + 1; x1 < r.bounds.x + r.bounds.width - 1; x1++ ) for ( int y1 = r.bounds.y + 1; y1 < r.bounds.y + r.bounds.height - 1; y1++ ) { r.tiles[new Vector2Int(x1, y1)] = Room.TileType.GROUND; } foreach (Vector2Int v in r.AllDoors()) { Debug.Log("Door: " + v); if (!r.bounds.Contains(v)) throw new NotSupportedException("This is a bug where doors land in the wrong room. It should have been fixed."); else r.tiles[v] = Room.TileType.DOOR; } } foreach (GenRoom r in rooms) { generateInterior (r); } start = root.r; end = null; foreach ( GenRoom r in rooms ) { if ( end == null || r.bounds.x > end.bounds.x ) end = r; } rooms.Remove(start); rooms.Remove(end); foreach (GenRoom r in rooms) makeRoomRelative(r); makeRoomRelative(start); makeRoomRelative(end); makeRoomRelative(path); } public void makeRoomRelative(GenRoom room) { room.roomPosition = room.bounds.position; foreach (Vector2Int v in room.tiles.Keys) { v.Set((v - room.roomPosition).x, (v-room.roomPosition).y); } } public static void AddStraightHorizontal(HashSet rooms, GenEdge ed) { GenRoom righter = ed.r1.r.GetCenter().x > ed.r2.r.GetCenter().x ? ed.r1.r : ed.r2.r; GenRoom lefter = ed.r1.r.GetCenter().x > ed.r2.r.GetCenter().x ? ed.r2.r : ed.r1.r; GenRoom tunnel = new GenRoom(); int minX = Math.Min(ed.r1.r.bounds.x + ed.r1.r.bounds.width, ed.r2.r.bounds.x + ed.r2.r.bounds.width); int minY = Math.Max(ed.r1.r.bounds.y, ed.r2.r.bounds.y); int maxX = Math.Max(ed.r1.r.bounds.x, ed.r2.r.bounds.x); int maxY = Math.Min(ed.r1.r.bounds.y + ed.r1.r.bounds.height, ed.r2.r.bounds.y + ed.r2.r.bounds.height); tunnel.bounds.x = minX; tunnel.bounds.y = ( minY + maxY ) / 2 - TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2; tunnel.bounds.width = ( maxX - minX ); tunnel.bounds.height = TUNNEL_THICKNESS; rooms.Add(tunnel); for ( int i = 0; i < TUNNEL_THICKNESS; i++ ) { lefter.doorsRight.Add(new Vector2Int(tunnel.bounds.x - 1, tunnel.bounds.y + i)); righter.doorsLeft.Add(new Vector2Int(tunnel.bounds.x + tunnel.bounds.width, tunnel.bounds.y + i)); } } public static void AddStraightVertical(HashSet rooms, GenEdge ed) { GenRoom higher = ed.r1.r.GetCenter().y > ed.r2.r.GetCenter().y ? ed.r1.r : ed.r2.r; GenRoom lower = ed.r1.r.GetCenter().y > ed.r2.r.GetCenter().y ? ed.r2.r : ed.r1.r; GenRoom tunnel = new GenRoom(); int minX = Math.Max(ed.r1.r.bounds.x, ed.r2.r.bounds.x); int minY = Math.Min(ed.r1.r.bounds.y + ed.r1.r.bounds.height, ed.r2.r.bounds.y + ed.r2.r.bounds.height); int maxX = Math.Min(ed.r1.r.bounds.x + ed.r1.r.bounds.width, ed.r2.r.bounds.x + ed.r2.r.bounds.width); int maxY = Math.Max(ed.r1.r.bounds.y, ed.r2.r.bounds.y); tunnel.bounds.x = ( minX + maxX ) / 2 - TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2; tunnel.bounds.y = minY; tunnel.bounds.width = TUNNEL_THICKNESS; tunnel.bounds.height = ( maxY - minY ); rooms.Add(tunnel); for ( int i = 0; i < TUNNEL_THICKNESS; i++ ) { higher.doorsUp.Add(new Vector2Int(tunnel.bounds.x + i, tunnel.bounds.y + tunnel.bounds.height)); lower.doorsDown.Add(new Vector2Int(tunnel.bounds.x + i, tunnel.bounds.y - 1)); } } public static void AddCurve(HashSet rooms, GenEdge ed) { GenRoom higher = ed.r1.r.GetCenter().y > ed.r2.r.GetCenter().y ? ed.r1.r : ed.r2.r; GenRoom lower = ed.r1.r.GetCenter().y > ed.r2.r.GetCenter().y ? ed.r2.r : ed.r1.r; GenRoom righter = ed.r1.r.GetCenter().x > ed.r2.r.GetCenter().x ? ed.r1.r : ed.r2.r; GenRoom lefter = ed.r1.r.GetCenter().x > ed.r2.r.GetCenter().x ? ed.r2.r : ed.r1.r; RectInt r = new RectInt(lefter.GetCenter().x, lower.GetCenter().y, righter.GetCenter().x - lefter.GetCenter().x, higher.GetCenter().y - lower.GetCenter().y); GenRoom verticalLefter = new GenRoom(); verticalLefter.bounds.x = r.x - TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2; verticalLefter.bounds.y = r.y - TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2; verticalLefter.bounds.width = TUNNEL_THICKNESS; verticalLefter.bounds.height = r.height + TUNNEL_THICKNESS; GenRoom horizontalLower = new GenRoom(); horizontalLower.bounds.x = r.x - TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2; horizontalLower.bounds.y = r.y - TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2; horizontalLower.bounds.width = r.width + TUNNEL_THICKNESS; horizontalLower.bounds.height = TUNNEL_THICKNESS; GenRoom verticalRighter = new GenRoom(); verticalRighter.bounds.x = r.x + r.width - TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2; verticalRighter.bounds.y = r.y - TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2; verticalRighter.bounds.width = TUNNEL_THICKNESS; verticalRighter.bounds.height = r.height + TUNNEL_THICKNESS; GenRoom horizontalHigher = new GenRoom(); horizontalHigher.bounds.x = r.x - TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2; horizontalHigher.bounds.y = r.y + r.height - TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2; horizontalHigher.bounds.width = r.width + TUNNEL_THICKNESS; horizontalHigher.bounds.height = TUNNEL_THICKNESS; if ( lower == lefter ) { horizontalLower.bounds.x = r.x + lower.bounds.width / 2; horizontalLower.bounds.width = r.width - lower.bounds.width / 2 + TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2; horizontalHigher.bounds.width = r.width - higher.bounds.width / 2 + TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2; verticalLefter.bounds.y = r.y + lower.bounds.height / 2; verticalLefter.bounds.height = r.height - lower.bounds.height / 2 + TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2; verticalRighter.bounds.height = r.height - higher.bounds.height / 2 + TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2; } if ( lower == righter ) { horizontalHigher.bounds.x = r.x + higher.bounds.width / 2; horizontalHigher.bounds.width = r.width - higher.bounds.width / 2 + TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2; horizontalLower.bounds.width = r.width - lower.bounds.width / 2 + TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2; verticalRighter.bounds.y = r.y + lower.bounds.height / 2; verticalRighter.bounds.height = r.height - lower.bounds.height / 2 + TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2; verticalLefter.bounds.height = r.height - higher.bounds.height / 2 + TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2; } bool flip = UnityEngine.Random.value > 0.5; bool diffX = ed.r2.r.GetCenter().x - ed.r1.r.GetCenter().x > 0; bool diffY = ed.r2.r.GetCenter().y - ed.r1.r.GetCenter().y > 0; bool addHorizontal1 = false, addHorizontal2 = false, addVertical1 = false, addVertical2 = false; if ( diffX && diffY ) { if ( flip ) { addVertical1 = true; addHorizontal2 = true; } else { addVertical2 = true; addHorizontal1 = true; } } else if ( diffX && !diffY ) { if ( flip ) { addVertical2 = true; addHorizontal2 = true; } else { addVertical1 = true; addHorizontal1 = true; } } else if ( !diffX && diffY ) { if ( flip ) { addVertical1 = true; addHorizontal1 = true; } else { addVertical2 = true; addHorizontal2 = true; } } else if ( !diffX && !diffY ) { if ( flip ) { addVertical2 = true; addHorizontal1 = true; } else { addVertical1 = true; addHorizontal2 = true; } } if ( addHorizontal1 ) { rooms.Add(horizontalLower); if ( lower == lefter ) for ( int i = 0; i < TUNNEL_THICKNESS; i++ ) { lower.doorsRight.Add(new Vector2Int(horizontalLower.bounds.x - 1, horizontalLower.bounds.y + i)); } else for ( int i = 0; i < TUNNEL_THICKNESS; i++ ) { lower.doorsLeft.Add(new Vector2Int(horizontalLower.bounds.x + horizontalLower.bounds.width, horizontalLower.bounds.y + i)); } } if ( addHorizontal2 ) { rooms.Add(horizontalHigher); if ( lower == righter ) for ( int i = 0; i < TUNNEL_THICKNESS; i++ ) { higher.doorsRight.Add(new Vector2Int(horizontalHigher.bounds.x - 1, horizontalHigher.bounds.y + i)); } else for ( int i = 0; i < TUNNEL_THICKNESS; i++ ) { higher.doorsLeft.Add(new Vector2Int(horizontalHigher.bounds.x + horizontalHigher.bounds.width, horizontalHigher.bounds.y + i)); } } if ( addVertical1 ) { rooms.Add(verticalLefter); if ( lower == lefter ) for ( int i = 0; i < TUNNEL_THICKNESS; i++ ) { lower.doorsDown.Add(new Vector2Int(verticalLefter.bounds.x + i, verticalLefter.bounds.y - 1)); } else for ( int i = 0; i < TUNNEL_THICKNESS; i++ ) { higher.doorsUp.Add(new Vector2Int(verticalLefter.bounds.x + i, verticalLefter.bounds.y + verticalLefter.bounds.height)); } } if ( addVertical2 ) { rooms.Add(verticalRighter); if ( lower == righter ) for ( int i = 0; i < TUNNEL_THICKNESS; i++ ) { lower.doorsDown.Add(new Vector2Int(verticalRighter.bounds.x + i, verticalRighter.bounds.y - 1)); } else for ( int i = 0; i < TUNNEL_THICKNESS; i++ ) { higher.doorsUp.Add(new Vector2Int(verticalRighter.bounds.x + i, verticalRighter.bounds.y + verticalRighter.bounds.height)); } } } public static void generateInterior(GenRoom r) { //int width = r.bounds.width; //int height = r.bounds.height; //Vector2Int root = new Vector2Int (1, 1); //Random rand = new Random (System.DateTime.Now); //for(int x = 0; i != width; ++x) //{ // for(int y = 0; y != width; ++y) // { // Room.TileType tempTile; // r.tiles.TryGetValue (root + new Vector2Int (x, y), tempTile); // if(rand.NextDouble() <= percentageRocks && tempTile.Equals(Room.TileType.GROUND) // { // int clusterSize = rand.Next (1, maxRockCluster + 1); // r.tiles.Add (root + new Vector2Int (x, y), Room.TileType.ROCK); // for(int i = 0; i != clusterSize; ++i) // { // Vector2Int newRock = root + new Vector2Int(x + rand.Next(0, 2), y + rand.Next(0, 2)); // r.tiles.TryGetValue (newRock, tempTile); // if(!tempTile.Equals(Room.TileType.GROUND)) // break; } }