365 lines
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365 lines
14 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class DungeonGenerator {
public DungeonGenerator() {
public const int TUNNEL_THICKNESS = 4;
public void generate()
int minRoomSize = 50;
HashSet<GenRoom> rooms = new HashSet<GenRoom>();
for (int i = 0; i < 7 + (int)(UnityEngine.Random.value * 4); i++)
GenRoom room = new GenRoom();
room.bounds.width = ((15 + (int)(UnityEngine.Random.value * 20)) / 2) * 2;
room.bounds.height = ((15 + (int)(UnityEngine.Random.value * 20)) / 2) * 2;
outest: while (true)
foreach (GenRoom r1 in rooms)
foreach (GenRoom r2 in rooms)
if (r1 == r2)
Vector2Int p1 = new Vector2Int(r1.bounds.x + r1.bounds.width / 2, r1.bounds.y + r1.bounds.height / 2);
Vector2Int p2 = new Vector2Int(r2.bounds.x + r2.bounds.width / 2, r2.bounds.y + r2.bounds.height / 2);
if (Math.Pow(Vector2Int.Distance(p1, p2), 2) < 2 * minRoomSize * minRoomSize + 2)
r2.bounds.x += (int)((UnityEngine.Random.value - 0.5) * 5);
r2.bounds.y += (int)((UnityEngine.Random.value - 0.5) * 2.5);
continue outest;
HashSet<GenVertex> Q = new HashSet<GenVertex>();
foreach (GenRoom r in rooms)
Q.Add(new GenVertex(r));
GenVertex root = Q.stream().min(Comparator.comparing(v->v.r.bounds.x)).get();
root.value = 0;
HashSet<GenEdge> E = new HashSet<GenEdge>();
HashSet<GenEdge> G = new HashSet<GenEdge>();
HashSet<GenVertex> F = new HashSet<GenVertex>();
foreach (GenVertex r1 in Q)
outer: foreach (GenVertex r2 in Q)
if (r1 == r2)
continue outer;
foreach (GenEdge e in E)
if (e.r2 == r1 && e.r1 == r2)
continue outer;
E.Add(new GenEdge(r1, r2));
while (Q.Count > 0)
GenEdge start = E.stream()
.filter(e-> (F.Contains(e.r1) ^ F.Contains(e.r2)))
if (start.r1.value < start.r2.value)
start.r2.value = (float)(start.r1.value + start.dist);
start.r1.value = (float)(start.r2.value + start.dist);
// G list of edges
// rooms list of rooms
HashSet<GenRoom> rooms2 = new HashSet<GenRoom>();
foreach (GenEdge ed in G)
// horizontal
float diff1 = ed.r1.r.bounds.y - ed.r2.r.bounds.y - ed.r2.r.bounds.height + TUNNEL_THICKNESS;
float diff2 = ed.r2.r.bounds.y - ed.r1.r.bounds.y - ed.r1.r.bounds.height + TUNNEL_THICKNESS;
// vertical
float diff3 = ed.r1.r.bounds.x - ed.r2.r.bounds.x - ed.r2.r.bounds.width + TUNNEL_THICKNESS;
float diff4 = ed.r2.r.bounds.x - ed.r1.r.bounds.x - ed.r1.r.bounds.width + TUNNEL_THICKNESS;
if (diff1 < 0 && diff2 < 0)
addStraightHorizontal(rooms2, ed);
else if (diff3 < 0 && diff4 < 0)
addStraightVertical(rooms2, ed);
addCurve(rooms2, ed);
GenRoom path = new GenRoom();
foreach (GenRoom r in rooms2)
for (int x1 = r.bounds.x; x1 < r.bounds.x + r.bounds.width; x1++)
for (int y1 = r.bounds.y; y1 < r.bounds.y + r.bounds.height; y1++)
path.tiles.Add(new Vector2Int(x1, y1), Room.TileType.GROUND);
for (int x2 = x1 - 1; x2 <= x1 + 1; x2++)
for (int y2 = y1 - 1; y2 <= y1 + 1; y2++)
if (!path.tiles.ContainsKey(new Vector2Int(x2, y2)))
path.tiles.Add(new Vector2Int(x2, y2), Room.TileType.WALL);
foreach (Vector2Int v in r.allDoors())
r.tiles.Add(v, Room.TileType.DOOR);
foreach (GenRoom r in rooms)
for (int x1 = r.bounds.x; x1 < r.bounds.x + r.bounds.width; x1++)
for (int y1 = r.bounds.y; y1 < r.bounds.y + r.bounds.height; y1++)
r.tiles.Add(new Vector2Int(x1, y1), Room.TileType.WALL);
for (int x1 = r.bounds.x + 1; x1 < r.bounds.x + r.bounds.width - 1; x1++)
for (int y1 = r.bounds.y + 1; y1 < r.bounds.y + r.bounds.height - 1; y1++)
r.tiles.Add(new Vector2Int(x1, y1), Room.TileType.GROUND);
foreach (Vector2Int v in r.allDoors())
r.tiles.Add(v, Room.TileType.DOOR);
public static void addStraightHorizontal(HashSet<GenRoom> rooms, GenEdge ed)
GenRoom righter = ed.r1.r.getCenter().x > ed.r2.r.getCenter().x ? ed.r1.r : ed.r2.r;
GenRoom lefter = ed.r1.r.getCenter().x > ed.r2.r.getCenter().x ? ed.r2.r : ed.r1.r;
GenRoom tunnel = new GenRoom();
int minX = Math.Min(ed.r1.r.bounds.x + ed.r1.r.bounds.width, ed.r2.r.bounds.x + ed.r2.r.bounds.width);
int minY = Math.Max(ed.r1.r.bounds.y, ed.r2.r.bounds.y);
int maxX = Math.Max(ed.r1.r.bounds.x, ed.r2.r.bounds.x);
int maxY = Math.Min(ed.r1.r.bounds.y + ed.r1.r.bounds.height, ed.r2.r.bounds.y + ed.r2.r.bounds.height);
tunnel.bounds.x = minX;
tunnel.bounds.y = (minY + maxY) / 2 - TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2;
tunnel.bounds.width = (maxX - minX);
tunnel.bounds.height = TUNNEL_THICKNESS;
for (int i = 0; i < TUNNEL_THICKNESS; i++)
lefter.doorsRight.Add(new Vector2Int(tunnel.bounds.x - 1, tunnel.bounds.y + i));
righter.doorsLeft.Add(new Vector2Int(tunnel.bounds.x + tunnel.bounds.width, tunnel.bounds.y + i));
public static void addStraightVertical(HashSet<GenRoom> rooms, GenEdge ed)
GenRoom higher = ed.r1.r.getCenter().y > ed.r2.r.getCenter().y ? ed.r1.r : ed.r2.r;
GenRoom lower = ed.r1.r.getCenter().y > ed.r2.r.getCenter().y ? ed.r2.r : ed.r1.r;
GenRoom tunnel = new GenRoom();
int minX = Math.Max(ed.r1.r.bounds.x, ed.r2.r.bounds.x);
int minY = Math.Min(ed.r1.r.bounds.y + ed.r1.r.bounds.height, ed.r2.r.bounds.y + ed.r2.r.bounds.height);
int maxX = Math.Min(ed.r1.r.bounds.x + ed.r1.r.bounds.width, ed.r2.r.bounds.x + ed.r2.r.bounds.width);
int maxY = Math.Max(ed.r1.r.bounds.y, ed.r2.r.bounds.y);
tunnel.bounds.x = (minX + maxX) / 2 - TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2;
tunnel.bounds.y = minY;
tunnel.bounds.width = TUNNEL_THICKNESS;
tunnel.bounds.height = (maxY - minY);
for (int i = 0; i < TUNNEL_THICKNESS; i++)
lower.doorsUp.Add(new Vector2Int(tunnel.bounds.x + i, tunnel.bounds.y + tunnel.bounds.height));
higher.doorsDown.Add(new Vector2Int(tunnel.bounds.x + i, tunnel.bounds.y - 1));
public static void addCurve(HashSet<GenRoom> rooms, GenEdge ed)
GenRoom higher = ed.r1.r.getCenter().y > ed.r2.r.getCenter().y ? ed.r1.r : ed.r2.r;
GenRoom lower = ed.r1.r.getCenter().y > ed.r2.r.getCenter().y ? ed.r2.r : ed.r1.r;
GenRoom righter = ed.r1.r.getCenter().x > ed.r2.r.getCenter().x ? ed.r1.r : ed.r2.r;
GenRoom lefter = ed.r1.r.getCenter().x > ed.r2.r.getCenter().x ? ed.r2.r : ed.r1.r;
RectInt r = new RectInt(lefter.getCenter().x, lower.getCenter().y, righter.getCenter().x - lefter.getCenter().x, higher.getCenter().y - lower.getCenter().y);
GenRoom verticalLefter = new GenRoom();
verticalLefter.bounds.x = r.x - TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2;
verticalLefter.bounds.y = r.y - TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2;
verticalLefter.bounds.width = TUNNEL_THICKNESS;
verticalLefter.bounds.height = r.height + TUNNEL_THICKNESS;
GenRoom horizontalLower = new GenRoom();
horizontalLower.bounds.x = r.x - TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2;
horizontalLower.bounds.y = r.y - TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2;
horizontalLower.bounds.width = r.width + TUNNEL_THICKNESS;
horizontalLower.bounds.height = TUNNEL_THICKNESS;
GenRoom verticalRighter = new GenRoom();
verticalRighter.bounds.x = r.x + r.width - TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2;
verticalRighter.bounds.y = r.y - TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2;
verticalRighter.bounds.width = TUNNEL_THICKNESS;
verticalRighter.bounds.height = r.height + TUNNEL_THICKNESS;
GenRoom horizontalHigher = new GenRoom();
horizontalHigher.bounds.x = r.x - TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2;
horizontalHigher.bounds.y = r.y + r.height - TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2;
horizontalHigher.bounds.width = r.width + TUNNEL_THICKNESS;
horizontalHigher.bounds.height = TUNNEL_THICKNESS;
if (lower == lefter)
horizontalLower.bounds.x = r.x + lower.bounds.width / 2;
horizontalLower.bounds.width = r.width - lower.bounds.width / 2 + TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2;
horizontalHigher.bounds.width = r.width - higher.bounds.width / 2 + TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2;
verticalLefter.bounds.y = r.y + lower.bounds.height / 2;
verticalLefter.bounds.height = r.height - lower.bounds.height / 2 + TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2;
verticalRighter.bounds.height = r.height - higher.bounds.height / 2 + TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2;
if (lower == righter)
horizontalHigher.bounds.x = r.x + higher.bounds.width / 2;
horizontalHigher.bounds.width = r.width - higher.bounds.width / 2 + TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2;
horizontalLower.bounds.width = r.width - lower.bounds.width / 2 + TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2;
verticalRighter.bounds.y = r.y + lower.bounds.height / 2;
verticalRighter.bounds.height = r.height - lower.bounds.height / 2 + TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2;
verticalLefter.bounds.height = r.height - higher.bounds.height / 2 + TUNNEL_THICKNESS / 2;
bool flip = UnityEngine.Random.value > 0.5;
bool diffX = ed.r2.r.getCenter().x - ed.r1.r.getCenter().x > 0;
bool diffY = ed.r2.r.getCenter().y - ed.r1.r.getCenter().y > 0;
bool addHorizontal1 = false, addHorizontal2 = false, addVertical1 = false, addVertical2 = false;
if (diffX && diffY)
if (flip)
addVertical1 = true;
addHorizontal2 = true;
addVertical2 = true;
addHorizontal1 = true;
else if (diffX && !diffY)
if (flip)
addVertical2 = true;
addHorizontal2 = true;
addVertical1 = true;
addHorizontal1 = true;
else if (!diffX && diffY)
if (flip)
addVertical1 = true;
addHorizontal1 = true;
addVertical2 = true;
addHorizontal2 = true;
else if (!diffX && !diffY)
if (flip)
addVertical2 = true;
addHorizontal1 = true;
addVertical1 = true;
addHorizontal2 = true;
if (addHorizontal1)
if (lower == lefter)
for (int i = 0; i < TUNNEL_THICKNESS; i++)
lower.doorsRight.Add(new Vector2Int(horizontalLower.bounds.x - 1, horizontalLower.bounds.y + i));
for (int i = 0; i < TUNNEL_THICKNESS; i++)
lower.doorsLeft.Add(new Vector2Int(horizontalLower.bounds.x + horizontalLower.bounds.width, horizontalLower.bounds.y + i));
if (addHorizontal2)
if (lower == righter)
for (int i = 0; i < TUNNEL_THICKNESS; i++)
higher.doorsRight.Add(new Vector2Int(horizontalHigher.bounds.x - 1, horizontalHigher.bounds.y + i));
for (int i = 0; i < TUNNEL_THICKNESS; i++)
higher.doorsLeft.Add(new Vector2Int(horizontalHigher.bounds.x + horizontalHigher.bounds.width, horizontalHigher.bounds.y + i));
if (addVertical1)
if (lower == lefter)
for (int i = 0; i < TUNNEL_THICKNESS; i++)
lower.doorsDown.Add(new Vector2Int(verticalLefter.bounds.x + i, verticalLefter.bounds.y - 1));
for (int i = 0; i < TUNNEL_THICKNESS; i++)
lower.doorsUp.Add(new Vector2Int(verticalLefter.bounds.x + i, verticalLefter.bounds.y + verticalLefter.bounds.height));
if (addVertical2)
if (lower == righter)
for (int i = 0; i < TUNNEL_THICKNESS; i++)
higher.doorsDown.Add(new Vector2Int(verticalRighter.bounds.x + i, verticalRighter.bounds.y - 1));
for (int i = 0; i < TUNNEL_THICKNESS; i++)
higher.doorsUp.Add(new Vector2Int(verticalRighter.bounds.x + i, verticalRighter.bounds.y + verticalRighter.bounds.height));