Saibotk d0f52a2b1c
!refactor(php-extensions): use shivammathur/extensions tap
Fixes annoying pecl update issues & swoole build failures by using the prebuilt tap.

This also properly manages updates & enables the extensions via files in conf.d instead. Very clean.

And it finally properly installs all extensions for all php versions, pecl has issues with properly installing for other php versions.
2024-04-02 02:47:26 +02:00

131 lines
2.9 KiB

# Taps
tap 'homebrew/cask-fonts'
tap 'homebrew/cask-versions'
tap 'homebrew/bundle'
tap 'oven-sh/bun'
tap 'withgraphite/tap'
tap 'shivammathur/extensions'
# Binaries
brew 'awscli'
brew 'bash'
brew 'coreutils' # Those that come with macOS are outdated
brew 'graphviz'
brew 'ffmpeg'
brew 'gh'
brew 'git'
brew 'gnupg' # Dependency for pass etc but slightly conflicts with gpg-suite see https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/issues/74447
brew 'grep'
brew 'httpie'
brew "openjdk"
brew 'openvpn'
brew 'mas' # Mac App Store manager
brew 'neovim'
brew 'pass'
brew 'pkg-config' # https://github.com/driesvints/dotfiles/issues/20
brew 'svn' # Needed to install fonts
brew 'starship' # fancy shell prompt
brew 'asimov' # Exclude node_modules etc from TM backup
brew 'git-absorb' # amazing tool for better git fixup
brew 'git-town' # Simple git stacking tool
brew 'graphite' # Advanced stacking tool with web app
brew 'ansible'
brew 'ansible-lint'
brew 'jq'
brew 'scrcpy'
brew 'poppler' # PDF manipulation
brew 'qpdf'
brew 'rename'
brew 'git-delta'
brew 'imagemagick'
brew 'nginx'
# Spatie Medialibrary
brew 'jpegoptim'
brew 'optipng'
brew 'pngquant'
brew 'svgo'
brew 'gifsicle'
# Development
brew 'php@8.3'
brew 'shivammathur/extensions/xdebug@8.3'
brew 'shivammathur/extensions/redis@8.3'
brew 'shivammathur/extensions/imagick@8.3'
brew 'shivammathur/extensions/swoole@8.3'
brew 'php@8.2'
brew 'shivammathur/extensions/xdebug@8.2'
brew 'shivammathur/extensions/redis@8.2'
brew 'shivammathur/extensions/imagick@8.2'
brew 'shivammathur/extensions/swoole@8.2'
brew 'php@8.1'
brew 'shivammathur/extensions/xdebug@8.1'
brew 'shivammathur/extensions/redis@8.1'
brew 'shivammathur/extensions/imagick@8.1'
brew 'shivammathur/extensions/swoole@8.1'
brew 'composer'
brew 'node'
brew 'deno'
brew 'bun'
brew 'yarn'
brew 'pnpm'
brew 'go'
brew 'rustup'
brew 'cargo-make'
# Apps
cask '1password'
cask '1password-cli'
cask 'around'
cask 'discord'
cask 'docker'
cask 'caffeine'
cask 'chromium', args: { no_quarantine: true }
cask 'element'
cask 'figma'
cask 'firefox'
cask 'gpg-suite'
cask 'imageoptim'
cask 'iterm2'
cask 'microsoft-office'
cask 'microsoft-teams' # requires rosetta
cask 'notion'
cask 'rectangle'
cask 'ray'
cask 'signal'
cask 'dbeaver-community'
cask 'the-unarchiver'
cask 'tinkerwell'
cask 'visual-studio-code'
cask 'basecamp'
cask 'setapp'
cask 'spotify'
cask 'mactex'
cask 'android-studio'
cask 'android-platform-tools'
cask 'tunnelblick'
cask 'raycast'
cask 'phpstorm'
cask 'jetbrains-toolbox'
cask 'arq'
# Fonts
cask 'font-fira-code'
cask 'font-fira-code-nerd-font'
cask 'font-lato'
cask 'font-open-sans'
cask 'font-roboto'
cask 'font-source-code-pro-for-powerline'
cask 'font-source-code-pro'
cask 'font-source-sans-pro'
cask 'font-source-serif-pro'
cask 'font-montserrat'
cask 'font-inter'
cask 'font-reenie-beanie'
# Mac App Store
mas 'Keynote', id: 409183694
mas 'Numbers', id: 409203825
mas 'Microsoft Remote Desktop', id: 1295203466
mas 'Strongbox - KeePass & PwSafe', id: 897283731