feat(macos): adjust some defaults, remove old ones
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 12 additions and 11 deletions
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled -bool false
# defaults -currentHost write NSGlobalDomain com.apple.trackpad.enableSecondaryClick -bool true
# defaults -currentHost write NSGlobalDomain com.apple.trackpad.enableSecondaryClick -bool true
# Disable “natural” (Lion-style) scrolling
# Disable “natural” (Lion-style) scrolling
# defaults write NSGlobalDomain com.apple.swipescrolldirection -bool false
defaults write NSGlobalDomain com.apple.swipescrolldirection -bool false
# Increase sound quality for Bluetooth headphones/headsets
# Increase sound quality for Bluetooth headphones/headsets
defaults write com.apple.BluetoothAudioAgent "Apple Bitpool Min (editable)" -int 40
defaults write com.apple.BluetoothAudioAgent "Apple Bitpool Min (editable)" -int 40
@ -151,10 +151,8 @@ defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleKeyboardUIMode -int 3
# defaults write NSGlobalDomain InitialKeyRepeat -int 10
# defaults write NSGlobalDomain InitialKeyRepeat -int 10
# Set language and text formats
# Set language and text formats
# Note: if you’re in the US, replace `EUR` with `USD`, `Centimeters` with
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleLanguages -array "en-US" "en-DE" "de-DE"
# `Inches`, `en_GB` with `en_US`, and `true` with `false`.
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleLocale -string "en_US@rg=dezzzz"
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleLanguages -array "en" "de"
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleLocale -string "en_US@currency=EUR"
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleMeasurementUnits -string "Centimeters"
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleMeasurementUnits -string "Centimeters"
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleMetricUnits -bool true
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleMetricUnits -bool true
@ -213,7 +211,7 @@ sudo systemsetup -settimezone "Europe/Berlin" > /dev/null
# Re-enable subpixel antialiasing
# Re-enable subpixel antialiasing
defaults write -g CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled -bool FALSE
# defaults write -g CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled -bool FALSE
# Require password immediately after sleep or screen saver begins
# Require password immediately after sleep or screen saver begins
defaults write com.apple.screensaver askForPassword -int 1
defaults write com.apple.screensaver askForPassword -int 1
@ -230,7 +228,7 @@ defaults write com.apple.screensaver askForPasswordDelay -int 0
# Enable subpixel font rendering on non-Apple LCDs
# Enable subpixel font rendering on non-Apple LCDs
# Reference: https://github.com/kevinSuttle/macOS-Defaults/issues/17#issuecomment-266633501
# Reference: https://github.com/kevinSuttle/macOS-Defaults/issues/17#issuecomment-266633501
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleFontSmoothing -int 1
# defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleFontSmoothing -int 1
# Enable HiDPI display modes (requires restart)
# Enable HiDPI display modes (requires restart)
# sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver DisplayResolutionEnabled -bool true
# sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver DisplayResolutionEnabled -bool true
@ -260,7 +258,7 @@ defaults write com.apple.finder DisableAllAnimations -bool true
#defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool true
#defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool true
# Finder: show all filename extensions
# Finder: show all filename extensions
# defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleShowAllExtensions -bool true
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleShowAllExtensions -bool true
# Finder: show status bar
# Finder: show status bar
# defaults write com.apple.finder ShowStatusBar -bool true
# defaults write com.apple.finder ShowStatusBar -bool true
@ -331,7 +329,7 @@ defaults write com.apple.finder FXPreferredViewStyle -string "Nlsv"
# defaults write com.apple.finder WarnOnEmptyTrash -bool false
# defaults write com.apple.finder WarnOnEmptyTrash -bool false
# Enable AirDrop over Ethernet and on unsupported Macs running Lion
# Enable AirDrop over Ethernet and on unsupported Macs running Lion
defaults write com.apple.NetworkBrowser BrowseAllInterfaces -bool true
# defaults write com.apple.NetworkBrowser BrowseAllInterfaces -bool true
# Show the ~/Library folder
# Show the ~/Library folder
chflags nohidden ~/Library && xattr -d com.apple.FinderInfo ~/Library
chflags nohidden ~/Library && xattr -d com.apple.FinderInfo ~/Library
@ -353,8 +351,8 @@ defaults write com.apple.finder FXInfoPanesExpanded -dict \
# Enable highlight hover effect for the grid view of a stack (Dock)
# Enable highlight hover effect for the grid view of a stack (Dock)
defaults write com.apple.dock mouse-over-hilite-stack -bool true
defaults write com.apple.dock mouse-over-hilite-stack -bool true
# Set the icon size of Dock items to 36 pixels
# Set the icon size of Dock items to 68 pixels
# defaults write com.apple.dock tilesize -int 36
defaults write com.apple.dock tilesize -int 68
# Change minimize/maximize window effect
# Change minimize/maximize window effect
defaults write com.apple.dock mineffect -string "scale"
defaults write com.apple.dock mineffect -string "scale"
@ -633,6 +631,9 @@ defaults write com.apple.terminal SecureKeyboardEntry -bool true
# Don’t display the annoying prompt when quitting iTerm
# Don’t display the annoying prompt when quitting iTerm
defaults write com.googlecode.iterm2 PromptOnQuit -bool false
defaults write com.googlecode.iterm2 PromptOnQuit -bool false
# Enable iTerm2 Secure Keyboard Entry
defaults write com.googlecode.iterm2 "Secure Input" -bool true
# Time Machine #
# Time Machine #
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