# hasCJKLanguage = true # If Chinese/Japanese/Korean is your main content language, enable this to make wordCount works right.
rssLimit=10# Maximum number of items in the RSS feed.
copyright="This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License."# This message is only used by the RSS template.
enableEmoji=true# Shorthand emojis in content files - https://gohugo.io/functions/emojify/
# googleAnalytics = "UA-123-45"
# disqusShortname = "yourdiscussshortname"
# hrefTargetBlank = true
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# Categories are disabled by default.
dateform="Jan 2, 2006"
dateformShort="Jan 2"
dateformNumTime="2006-01-02 15:04 -0700"
# Metadata mostly used in document's head
description="My personal blog about various code / devops related things."
# images = [""]
homeSubtitle="My personal blog about various code / devops related things."