podman_install_machine_packages: false ## The following defaults should work on most systems. ## They allocate the UIDs/GIDs 2147483647-4294967294 which is the upper half of UIDs/GIDs intended for ## 'normal' users and don't conflict with special systemd UIDs/GIDs. ## This is also incidentally the example given by the podman man page ## (Ref.: https://docs.podman.io/en/latest/markdown/podman-run.1.html#userns-mode) # What should be the first allocated UID/GID available for usernamespaced containers podman_usernamespace_uid_start: 2147483647 # What should be the amount of allocated UIDs/GIDs available for usernamespaced containers podman_usernamespace_uid_amount: 2147483648 # If this is set the default podman network will be manually configured to enable dual stack. # This should not include the prefix-length, so the setting should end with "::" # NOTE: This needs the default network to be recreated. Rebooting works and so should stopping # all containers. # podman_default_network_ipv6_prefix: "fdfc:ace7:1f7c:4ff3::" # Podman allows to set a timezone (--tz flag) for each container. A default can be set # in any of the containers.conf config files. # If the following option is set it will be added to the system-wide /etc/containers/containers.conf # Has to be an IANA timezone or "local" (the latter matches the timezone of the host) # podman_default_timezone: "local" # "Europe/Berlin"