Traefik ========= This will setup a [Traefik]( server that acts as a dynamic reverse proxy and uses docker labels to route traffic. It also takes care about enabling/renewing Let's Encrypt certificates if specified. **Note: If using the IPv6 configuration: When changing the address etc, you will need to manually take care about removing old/unused firewall rules!** Requirements ------------ You will need to have docker and docker-compose installed or declared as dependencies with their respective roles. Role Variables -------------- **Please look at the [defaults/main.yml](defaults/main.yml) for all available variables and their description.** **Note: Lines that are commented out via `#` are usually still valid/used variables, but they are not defined by default, so they might enable a feature, when uncommenting/defining them!** Dependencies ------------ - docker - docker-compose License ------- GPL-3.0-only