--- # Defaults variables for the vikunja role # Infrastructure # Ansible instructions to deploy the infrastructure # Copyright (C) 2021 Saibotk # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # The install location vikunja_install_location: /srv/vikunja # The container data volume mount locations vikunja_api_files_location: "{{ vikunja_install_location }}/files" vikunja_redis_location: "{{ vikunja_install_location }}/redis" vikunja_database_location: "{{ vikunja_install_location }}/database" # The certresolver that is used by traefik for the frontend domain vikunja_frontend_traefik_certresolver: letsencrypt_http # The domain that traefik will server vikunja's API under vikunja_frontend_domain: "vikunja.example.com" # The certresolver that is used by traefik for the api domain vikunja_api_traefik_certresolver: letsencrypt_http # The domain that traefik will server vikunja's API under vikunja_api_domain: "{{ vikunja_frontend_domain }}" # The database password to use vikunja_database_password: "{{ lookup('passwordstore', vikunja_api_domain + '/db create=true length=42') }}" # Container versions # renovate: depName=docker.io/vikunja/api vikunja_api_version: "0.20.0" # renovate: depName=docker.io/vikunja/frontend vikunja_frontend_version: "0.20.1" # renovate: depName=docker.io/library/postgres vikunja_database_version: "13.8" # renovate: depName=docker.io/library/redis vikunja_redis_version: "7" # Container tag definitions vikunja_api_image_version: "{{ vikunja_api_version }}" vikunja_frontend_image_version: "{{ vikunja_frontend_version }}" vikunja_database_image_version: "{{ vikunja_database_version }}-alpine" vikunja_redis_image_version: "{{ vikunja_redis_version }}" # Enable or disable selinux handling vikunja_selinux_enabled: true # The SELinux levels for vikunja folders/container vikunja_selinux_level: "{{ omit }}" # Application Configuration # Service section # Set the motd message, available from the /info endpoint # Will be disabled if empty vikunja_service_motd: "" # This token is used to verify issued JWT tokens. # Default (empty string) is a random token which will be generated at each startup of vikunja. # (This means all already issued tokens will be invalid once you restart vikunja) vikunja_service_jwtsecret: "" # Enable the caldav endpoint, see the docs for more details vikunja_service_enablecaldav: true # Enable sharing of lists via a link vikunja_service_enablelinksharing: true # Whether to let new users registering themselves or not vikunja_service_enableregistration: true # Whether to enable task attachments or not vikunja_service_enabletaskattachments: true # The time zone all timestamps are in. # Please note that time zones have to use [the official tz database names](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones). # UTC or GMT offsets won't work. vikunja_service_timezone: "GMT" # Whether task comments should be enabled or not vikunja_service_enabletaskcomments: true # Whether totp is enabled. In most cases you want to leave that enabled. vikunja_service_enabletotp: true # If enabled, vikunja will send an email to everyone who is either assigned to a task or created it when a task reminder # is due. vikunja_service_enableemailreminders: true # If true, will allow users to request the complete deletion of their account. When using external authentication methods # it may be required to coordinate with them in order to delete the account. This setting will not affect the cli commands # for user deletion. vikunja_service_enableuserdeletion: true # Mailer section vikunja_mailer: # Whether to enable the mailer or not. If it is disabled, all users are enabled right away and password reset is not possible. enabled: false # SMTP Host host: "" # SMTP Host port port: 587 # SMTP username username: "user" # SMTP password password: "" # Wether to skip verification of the tls certificate on the server skiptlsverify: false # The default from address when sending emails fromemail: "mail@vikunja" # The length of the mail queue. queuelength: 100 # The timeout in seconds after which the current open connection to the mailserver will be closed. queuetimeout: 30 # By default, vikunja will try to connect with starttls, use this option to force it to use ssl. forcessl: false # Log section vikunja_log: # Whether to show any logging at all or none enabled: true # Where the normal log should go. Possible values are stdout, stderr, file or off to disable standard logging. standard: "stdout" # Change the log level. Possible values (case-insensitive) are CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG. level: "WARNING" # Whether or not to log database queries. Useful for debugging. Possible values are stdout, stderr, file or off to disable database logging. database: "off" # The log level for database log messages. Possible values (case-insensitive) are CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG. databaselevel: "WARNING" # Whether to log http requests or not. Possible values are stdout, stderr, file or off to disable http logging. http: "off" # Echo has its own logging which usually is unnessecary, which is why it is disabled by default. # Possible values are stdout, stderr, file or off to disable standard logging. echo: "off" # Whether or not to log events. Useful for debugging. Possible values are stdout, stderr, file or off to disable events logging. events: "stdout" # The log level for event log messages. Possible values (case-insensitive) are ERROR, INFO, DEBUG. eventslevel: "error" # Rate limit section vikunja_ratelimit: # whether or not to enable the rate limit enabled: false # The kind on which rates are based. Can be either "user" for a rate limit per user or "ip" for an ip-based rate limit. kind: user # The time period in seconds for the limit period: 60 # The max number of requests a user is allowed to do in the configured time period limit: 100 # The store where the limit counter for each user is stored. # Possible values are "keyvalue", "memory" or "redis". # When choosing "keyvalue" this setting follows the one configured in the "keyvalue" section. store: redis # Files section # The maximum size of a file, as a human-readable string. # Warning: The max size is limited 2^64-1 bytes due to the underlying datatype vikunja_files_maxsize: "50MB" # Migration section vikunja_migration: wunderlist: # Wheter to enable the wunderlist migrator or not enable: false # The client id, required for making requests to the wunderlist api # You need to register your vikunja instance at https://developer.wunderlist.com/apps/new to get this clientid: # The client secret, also required for making requests to the wunderlist api clientsecret: # The url where clients are redirected after they authorized Vikunja to access their wunderlist stuff. # This needs to match the url you entered when registering your Vikunja instance at wunderlist. # This is usually the frontend url where the frontend then makes a request to /migration/wunderlist/migrate # with the code obtained from the wunderlist api. # Note that the vikunja frontend expects this to be /migrate/wunderlist redirecturl: /migrate/wunderlist todoist: # Wheter to enable the todoist migrator or not enable: false # The client id, required for making requests to the todoist api # You need to register your vikunja instance at https://developer.todoist.com/appconsole.html to get this clientid: # The client secret, also required for making requests to the todoist api clientsecret: # The url where clients are redirected after they authorized Vikunja to access their todoist items. # This needs to match the url you entered when registering your Vikunja instance at todoist. # This is usually the frontend url where the frontend then makes a request to /migration/todoist/migrate # with the code obtained from the todoist api. # Note that the vikunja frontend expects this to be /migrate/todoist redirecturl: /migrate/todoist trello: # Wheter to enable the trello migrator or not enable: false # The client id, required for making requests to the trello api # You need to register your vikunja instance at https://trello.com/app-key (log in before you visit that link) to get this key: # The url where clients are redirected after they authorized Vikunja to access their trello cards. # This needs to match the url you entered when registering your Vikunja instance at trello. # This is usually the frontend url where the frontend then makes a request to /migration/trello/migrate # with the code obtained from the trello api. # Note that the vikunja frontend expects this to end on /migrate/trello. redirecturl: /migrate/trello microsofttodo: # Wheter to enable the microsoft todo migrator or not enable: false # The client id, required for making requests to the microsoft graph api # See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-register-app#register-an-application # for information about how to register your vikuinja instance. clientid: # The client secret, also required for making requests to the microsoft graph api clientsecret: # The url where clients are redirected after they authorized Vikunja to access their microsoft todo tasks. # This needs to match the url you entered when registering your Vikunja instance at microsoft. # This is usually the frontend url where the frontend then makes a request to /migration/microsoft-todo/migrate # with the code obtained from the microsoft graph api. # Note that the vikunja frontend expects this to be /migrate/microsoft-todo redirecturl: /migrate/microsoft-todo # Avatar section vikunja_avatar: # When using gravatar, this is the duration in seconds until a cached gravatar user avatar expires gravatarexpiration: 3600 # Backgrounds section vikunja_backgrounds: # Whether to enable backgrounds for lists at all. enabled: true providers: upload: # Whethere to enable uploaded list backgrounds enabled: true unsplash: # Whether to enable setting backgrounds from unsplash as list backgrounds enabled: false # You need to create an application for your installation at https://unsplash.com/oauth/applications/new # and set the access token below. accesstoken: # The unsplash application id is only used for pingback and required as per their api guidelines. # You can find the Application ID in the dashboard for your API application. It should be a numeric ID. # It will only show in the UI if your application has been approved for Enterprise usage, therefore if # you’re in Demo mode, you can also find the ID in the URL at the end: https://unsplash.com/oauth/applications/:application_id applicationid: # Legal section # Used to configure the legal URLs. # Will be shown in the frontend if configured here vikunja_legal: imprinturl: privacyurl: # Auth section # Local authentication will let users log in and register (if enabled) through the db. # This is the default auth mechanism and does not require any additional configuration. # Enable or disable local authentication vikunja_auth_local_enabled: true # OpenID configuration will allow users to authenticate through a third-party OpenID Connect compatible provider.
# The provider needs to support the `openid`, `profile` and `email` scopes.
# **Note:** Some openid providers (like gitlab) only make the email of the user available through openid claims if they have set it to be publicly visible. # If the email is not public in those cases, authenticating will fail. # **Note 2:** The frontend expects to be redirected after authentication by the third party # to /auth/openid/. Please make sure to configure the redirect url with your third party # auth service accordingy if you're using the default vikunja frontend. # Take a look at the [default config file](https://kolaente.dev/vikunja/api/src/branch/main/config.yml.sample) # for more information about how to configure openid authentication. # Enable or disable OpenID Connect authentication vikunja_auth_openid_enabled: false # A list of enabled providers vikunja_auth_openid_providers: # The name of the provider as it will appear in the frontend. - name: # The auth url to send users to if they want to authenticate using OpenID Connect. authurl: # The client ID used to authenticate Vikunja at the OpenID Connect provider. clientid: # The client secret used to authenticate Vikunja at the OpenID Connect provider. clientsecret: # Metrics section vikunja_metrics: # If set to true, enables a /metrics endpoint for prometheus to collect metrics about Vikunja. enabled: false # If set to a non-empty value the /metrics endpoint will require this as a username via basic auth in combination with the password below. username: # If set to a non-empty value the /metrics endpoint will require this as a password via basic auth in combination with the username below. password: