# The domain for the traefik debug dashboard (only shown if the dashboard auth variable is defined)
# A basic auth users string (see https://docs.traefik.io/v2.0/middlewares/basicauth/)
# traefik_dashboard_auth: ''
# The email to use for letencrypt certificate requests
# The proxy network name and the bridge name (you usually do not touch these)
# ! Note these are used globally, as every container that wants to use traefik,
# ! has to be reachable for traefik and all containers, routed with traefik, are connected to the proxy network.
# Traefik IPv6 settings
# Enabling these will lead to traefik being reachable via the specified IPv6 address.
# Without any special handling of IPv6, the containers may still be reached via IPv6 but may use the docker internal IPv4 proxy,
# which results in the containers only seeing clients connecting with the internal network IPv4 gateway address.
firewall_rules_enabled: false # This controls, if iptable rules should be deployed, to forward incoming traffic from 80/443 with a destination of the specified IP (traefik's IP). TL;DR:Should IPv6 traffic be forwarded/allowed to traefik.
subnet:"{{ ansible_default_ipv6.address | ipsubnet(64) | ipsubnet(80, 51966) }}"# The subnet that should be used. Usually has to have a size of at least `/80` (see https://web.archive.org/web/20181113104036/https://docs.docker.com/v17.06/engine/userguide/networking/default_network/ipv6/#docker-ipv6-cluster)
ip_addr:"{{ ansible_default_ipv6.address | ipsubnet(64) | ipsubnet(80, 51966) | ipaddr('2') | ipaddr('address') }}"# The traefik container will use this static address, unless you explicitly use `{{ omit }}`