# The interval in seconds, to check for available jobs. (0 means default value is used. See https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#how-check_interval-works)
# The URL of the instance that this runner should be associated with
- gitlab_url:https://gitlab.example.com
# The token that you received when registering the runner (not the register token!!!)
# Register a runner first to obtain a token: https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/register/index.html#docker
# Can be done via the API and the registration token: eg. `curl --request POST "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/runners" --form "token=<registration_token>"`
# The name of the runner
# The limit of machines created by the runner and with that also the limit of jobs that can be handled concurrently by this specific runner.
# The executor that is used for this runner.
# Eg. "docker", "shell", "docker+machine"
# Should the docker runner start containers as privileged? (eg. needed for docker in docker / building with docker etc)
# Should the docker socket be mounted into the containers? (SECURITY NOTE: This is critical, as it is effectively the same as root!)
# The image that should be used for jobs by default
# The docker-machine driver that should be used (the server provider)
# The template for naming new machines
# The maximum amount of builds on a machine (VM) before a new one will be used
# Time (in seconds) for machine to be in Idle state before it is removed.
# Number of machines, that need to be created and are waiting in Idle state.
# The "MachineOptions" field with parameters that depend on the driver (these usually provide the api token, which machine type is used etc...)
# This for example are parameters for the Hetzner driver (but remember, that this will need the hetzner docker-machine plugin)
hetzner-api-token:"TOKENHERE"# The Hetzner specific API token
hetzner-image:"debian-10"# The image that should be used for new machines
hetzner-server-type:"cx11"# The server type (the hardware configuration) to use for a new machine
hetzner-server-location:"fsn1"# The server location to use for a new machine
# S3 Runner cache configuration to improve performance between runs (see https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/autoscale.html#distributed-runners-caching)