-- Convenience function. description parameter is used by `whichkey` local function map(mode, keybind, command, description) vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, keybind, command, { desc = description, silent = true, noremap = true }) end -- Switch to as global mapleader vim.g.mapleader = " " -- Don't place single deleted characters in a buffer map("n", "x", '"_x') -- Increment and decrement numbers map("n", "+", "", "Increment number under cursor") map("n", "-", "", "Decrement number under cursor") -- File explorer map("n", "e", ":NvimTreeToggle", "Toggle file explorer") -- telescope map("n", "ff", "Telescope find_files", "Find files within cwd") -- respects .gitignore map("n", "fs", "Telescope live_grep", "Find string in cwd") map("n", "fb", "Telescope buffers", "List open buffers in current neovim instance") map("n", "fh", "Telescope help_tags", "List available help tags")