# The foreground color foreground #839496 # The background color background #002b36 # The 16 terminal colors. There are 8 basic colors, each color has a dull and # bright version. # solarized dark color0 #073642 color8 #002b36 color1 #dc322f color9 #cb4b16 color2 #859900 color10 #586e75 color3 #b58900 color11 #657b83 color4 #268bd2 color12 #839496 color5 #d33682 color13 #6c71c4 color6 #2aa198 color14 #93a1a1 color7 #eee8d5 color15 #fdf6e3 # The opacity of the background. A number between 0 and 1, where 1 is opaque and 0 is fully transparent. background_opacity 1.0 # The foreground for selections selection_foreground #002b36 # The background for selections selection_background #586e75 # The color and style for URLs on mouse-over url_color #0087BD url_style curly # The cursor color cursor #93a1a1