From 6bbdf31071f7964c2654b06bbe6b1c882f61b25b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: histalek Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2023 14:13:47 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Remove old editor configs --- .config/VSCodium/User/settings.json | 78 ----------------------------- .config/lvim/config.lua | 73 --------------------------- 2 files changed, 151 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 .config/VSCodium/User/settings.json delete mode 100644 .config/lvim/config.lua diff --git a/.config/VSCodium/User/settings.json b/.config/VSCodium/User/settings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 6978881..0000000 --- a/.config/VSCodium/User/settings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -{ - "editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "off", - "editor.accessibilitySupport": "off", - "editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": true, - "editor.cursorBlinking": "smooth", - "editor.cursorSmoothCaretAnimation": "on", - "editor.fontFamily": "Iosevka Nerd Font", - "editor.fontLigatures": false, - "editor.suggestSelection": "first", - "editor.wordWrap": "on", - "editor.wrappingIndent": "deepIndent", - "explorer.confirmDelete": false, - "explorer.confirmDragAndDrop": false, - //Ref: - "files.associations": { - "*.bu": "yaml", - "*.ign": "json", - }, - "gitlab.instanceUrl": "", - "glualint.activeLanguages": [ - "glua", - "lua" - ], - "go.toolsManagement.autoUpdate": true, - "latex.server.autoDownload": true, - "latex-workshop.bind.enter.key": false, - "latex-workshop.chktex.enabled": true, - "latex-workshop.latex.clean.subfolder.enabled": true, - "": false, - "latex-workshop.view.pdf.viewer": "tab", - "markdownlint.config": { - "MD024": { - "allow_different_nesting": true - }, - "MD033": { - "allowed_elements": [ - "h1", - "img" - ] - }, - }, - "oneDarkPro.bold": true, - "oneDarkPro.editorTheme": "One Dark Pro Darker", - "redhat.telemetry.enabled": false, - "svg.preview.mode": "svg", - "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "'monospace','PowerlineSymbols'", - "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionReviveProcess": "never", - "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.linux": "zsh", - "terminal.integrated.profiles.linux": { - "zsh": { - "path": "/usr/bin/flatpak-spawn", - "args": ["--host", "--env=TERM=xterm-256color", "zsh"] - } - }, - "vsintellicode.modify.editor.suggestSelection": "automaticallyOverrodeDefaultValue", - "window.title": "${activeEditorShort}${separator}${rootPath}", - "workbench.colorTheme": "One Dark Pro Darker", - "workbench.startupEditor": "newUntitledFile", - "workbench.preferredDarkColorTheme": "One Dark Pro Darker", - "workbench.preferredHighContrastColorTheme": "One Dark Pro Darker", - "yaml.schemas": { - "": ["*.bu"] - }, - "[javascript]": { - "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode" - }, - "[json]": { - "editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.json-language-features" - }, - "[latex]": { - "editor.defaultFormatter": "James-Yu.latex-workshop" - }, - "[yaml]": { - "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode" - }, - "workbench.iconTheme": "material-icon-theme", - "editor.fontSize": 16, -} diff --git a/.config/lvim/config.lua b/.config/lvim/config.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 2e439cc..0000000 --- a/.config/lvim/config.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ ---[[ -lvim is the global options object - -Linters should be -filled in as strings with either -a global executable or a path to -an executable - -Ref.: -]] - --- vim options -vim.opt.ignorecase = true -vim.opt.showmode = true -vim.opt.expandtab = true -vim.opt.shiftwidth = 2 -vim.opt.tabstop = 2 -vim.opt.number = true -vim.opt.relativenumber = false -vim.opt.wrap = true -vim.opt.termguicolors = true - --- general -lvim.log.level = "warn" -lvim.format_on_save = true -lvim.colorscheme = "gruvbox" - --- keymappings [view all the defaults by pressing Lk] -lvim.leader = "space" -lvim.keys.normal_mode[""] = ":w" -lvim.keys.normal_mode[""] = ":q" -lvim.keys.normal_mode["t"] = ":ToggleTerm dir='%:p:h'" - --- After changing plugin config exit and reopen LunarVim, Run :PackerInstall :PackerCompile = true -lvim.builtin.alpha.mode = "startify" = "default" -lvim.builtin.nvimtree.setup.view.side = "left" = true -lvim.builtin.terminal.close_on_exit = true -lvim.builtin.terminal.direction = "horizontal" -lvim.builtin.terminal.hide_numbers = true -lvim.builtin.terminal.open_mapping = [[C-t]] -lvim.builtin.terminal.size = 15 -lvim.builtin.terminal.start_in_insert = true = true - --- if you don't want all the parsers change this to a table of the ones you want -lvim.builtin.treesitter.ensure_installed = { - "bash", - "c", - "dockerfile", - "go", - "javascript", - "json", - "latex", - "lua", - "make", - "python", - "typescript", - "css", - "rust", - "java", - "vim", - "vue", - "yaml", -} -lvim.builtin.treesitter.ignore_install = { "haskell" } -lvim.builtin.treesitter.highlight.enabled = true - -lvim.plugins = { - { "gruvbox-community/gruvbox" }, -}